HELLO HELLO! ♥ i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right? Anybody encounter problems with it? I can't seem to post my replies. ): Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Anon0154: Ha-ha-ha. Whatever man.
Missykerlynn: Hahahas, me too! I'm saving up for boyf's bday! :x
Yuling: I miss you lah! Will you be coming to zouk on sat with us to celebrate my bday? :D Hehehe, next mth i wanna change hairstyle already!
Anon7833: Hhahahas, i am so so so chinese. Not mixed blood. (:
:x : Thanks for loving my blog babe! Hahahas! Passenger: Goodness, what do you expect me to reply? imagine i say, oh you must thank you dad for your big dick. what would you reply? -.-
Passerby: Hahahas! Oh!
Abc: I wished! *pouts* Haahahas, yah lah the bag is like damn big and heavy.
Germs: Hahahas, your nick is so cute. Germs. :x Anyway, yah they gave me to me as a surprise gift to thank me for the advertorial! But i emailed TheBlackSequin and she said she'll tell me when she can get hold of stock of that necklace. Will update on my blog when she has them! (:
D: Hey babe, yes i ordered them from a local spree! you can order directly from them as well if you've a CC. (:
A mere 5 days to my 18th Birthday! I'm sooooo excited, celebrating with boyf in the day, then going to Zouk with my besties at night.
I got alot of things to blog about loh! But as usual lah, my gooooldfish memory. Total goon man, like i register something into my head, The next moment it floats away~
Boyf has been terrible ANNOYING recently. the weather is freaking terrible and i wanna drift of to my dreamland 24/7~
and he was like.. " OH! SOMEBODY OLD ALREADY! OLD!"
TMD! Damn gay.. 本小姐 18 only ok! You 22 so old already i also never say anything you dare to say me?! Lol.
Met up with my darling afew nights ago, Don't even remember which night was it. Goodness, i really need some memory enhancing drugs or.. whatever.
My pretty babe! :D
Damn gross loh walao! We were taking this lift and there was this baby cockroach. (Eeeeeeeeeeeeew lar! I'm damn scared of cockroaches! That time i woke my mum up at 3am just to ask her to help me get rid of the cockroach in my room. :x)
Shirley was like nearest to IT, and she was like : "eh! Got cockroach leh!" Step nearer to IT to take a picture. -.-
Fel & Me: "OMG WHERE WEHRE WHERE WHERE?!?!" *Jumps* Looking around and squealing, squashing each other to the side of the lift. :x
To be Exact... this was how we looked like:
@#$%^ Shirley Goh is mean loh! We both like totally freaking out she still there snap snap snap.
And i dunno wth was i doing, or thinking. Extremely retarded & siao-looking. -.-"
Just for laughs. :x Hahahas! Felicia has the: "Erm.. my niece is siao" face.
Shirley has quit smooooking! Like finally, after months of ME smelling her 2nd hand smoke! 3 weeks since her last stick ok, so proud of her! Anyway, Devil fel was trying to tempt Shirley to smoke! Hahahahas!
Awwww, but it's an unlit cigg and in the end she didnt smoke! LOL!
Shirley's "boyfriend" with a super cock face! Haahhaas! Fel had to leave really early and then it was the 3 of us crapping all night till i think 2.30am?
Shir's sis came to pick her up and i went homeeeeeee.
Boyf is finally back from Taiwan and he brought me gifts! The jill stuart cosmetics are my birthday present~
Caramel, Blueberry, Chocolate popcorn. Colourful Smocked dress. Red cap. Japanese Magazine, Super cute lingerie with blingbling. Jill stuart Foundation. Jill Stuart Brillance eyeshadow. Jill stuart lipgloss.
I love Jill Stuart!
He bought this stupid chicken that makes the funniest noise EVER. Entertained me for at least 30 mins before i got booooored.
I just received my BB creams afew days ago! I'm addicted to BB creams. :D My review of the bb creams i have.
1) BRTC Whitening & Wrinkle Repair BB cream
Coverage: Very good coverage, Covers most of my blemishes and flaws! Although not to the extend that it covers my dark eye rings but it's def good enough!
Texture: Very thick, as compared to the other two. It was almost difficult to spread. i gotta tug and spread the cream on my face, Later got wrinkles how! ):
Shade: Neutral - Yellow undertone.
Fragrance: Has a very light scent but goes away after you apply on your face.
Oil Control: I find the oil control for Coggi better than BRTC's. But it does last thru the day for my skin, So overall. I pretty much like this.
2) Coogi Flowertox 3action Super BB cream
Coverage: Medium, still looks really natural.
Texture: Abit thinner as compared to BRTC, but it's better! means i spend lesser time trying to blend the BB cream.
Shade:Slightly pinkish undertone, Although i'm more of a yellow undertone, but it doesn't look funny on me.
Fragrance: Has a slight flowery scent, smells lovely! Oil Control: Best in all three BB creams i have! Love this the most cos it has SPF 24 ++ as well! Super time saver! now i can skip my makeup base and even sunscreen!
3) Skin 79 Super + Blemish Balm Triple function
Coverage: Natural to medium. You can get this of you want a more devy and natural look.
Texture: more watery than the other two BB creams. Damn easy to spread and blend. Takes like, 2 seconds to spread. Hah, kidding.
Shade: pinkish undertone.
Fragrance:Smells like sunscreen to me!
Oil Control: I think the oil control for this isn't very good. Although once again, i love having the suncreen together in one tube. Maybe i'll use these on days when i wanna do more of a nude look. (:
I love Coogi Flowertox 3action Super BB cream the most! :D
Ok, I'm damn shagged already loh. I slept at 4am yesterday, i always wait till 2am for the next episode of 命中注定我愛你 every sunday night! And i slept at 4plus.
And i woke up at 10plus to prepare to meet sebas to go to school to study, and i had my marketing paper at 2pm - 4pm.
Damn shag! Now must go and clean my guinea pigs cage then i wanna lie in bed, relax, read abit, and sleeeeeep! Heh. Show some love and taaaaag dears!
HELLO HELLO! ♥ i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right? Anybody encounter problems with it? I can't seem to post my replies. ): Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Lurve: Yup, waiting for my new clinique concealer! It's not drying, very creamy, but seriously, I love the ZA concealer. I tried my friend's and i think it's really good eh.
My auntie: You all lah! Never ask me out one. Pouts. Wheeeen? let's go next weds? omg. We're old already. sobs.
Brandon: Hello pretty bitch, Will link you soon alright!
Passerby: Erm, hahahas how do i say this. My mum has big boobs, so it's a gene thing yeah?
Min: Hahahs, no need to get so envious about it dear! if there's happiness, i can ensure you there were enough unhappiness to even things out.
Anon7990: Hey babe, I'm using GIMP, you can download it from
Anon9913: Hahahas, what's what? thanks! :D
Hih:Hey babe, I'm using GIMP, you can download it from
Anon2624: I did credit the blogskin person if you realize, So i didnt "ripped off" anything yah? I'm sure i'm allowed to edit my pictures into whatever i want right? not like, i actually removed her credits or whatever.
Passerby: Hahahas, are you serious? Is it North Vista secondary?
Bobo: Hahahahs, poor MAC! But it must've been damn hilarious lah, Break the teenie weenie chair!
David Santos: Thanks for your compliment! (:
Audrey: Hahahs, hello babe! I saw some of your shoots too, so preeeeetty!
PP: Thanks for your compliment dear! :x
Bla3: Hahahs, bla3 as in bla bla bla? I'm chinese luh! lots of my classmates mistake me as mixed blood or whatever =/
Hi:): Hey babe, TheBlackSequin send it to me as a gift! It's very pretty right? :D I love it too!
Chris: Hahahahs, i don't always emo one ok!
Oooo, ok i know. I finally blogged about CommunicAsia, Have dragged it for so long. Whoops. Boyf back in singapore, very busy lar!
Would like to thank Gavin Foo, Sabrina (aka princessa) for inviting me to the LG & Yahoo! blogger's event at CommunicAsia. I had a greeeeat time!
I love the tag given! :D Fidelis, theluckiestchick. Woot!
I was late for 20 mins, and i was instructed to look out for an indian man with alot of huge LG bags, But i walked from hall 4 to hall 6, hall 6 down to hall 4 again, and i just cannot find him, there was alot of people loh! See, wear contact lenses still cock eye one.
Anyway, this indian man suddenly hopped infront of me
Indian man from LG: " hello, are you one of our invited blogger?" Me :" Oh yes! how did you know i'm a blogger?" Indian man from LG: " Oh, you got the blogger face." Me: " What's a blogger face? -.- "
Anyway, Gavin led a very lost me to the LG booth. Which is hardly a "booth", It's huge compared to the other brands! We were led to the "blogger's corner" at the 2nd level of the LG booth and served very sour lemonade, candies etc.
After waiting for more bloggers to arrive, I was busy chit-chatting with Nadnut, and met some other bloggers i've nvr met before!
And after more bloggers arrived, The LG PR manager, A pretty korean lady, gave us a tour around the booth and showed us some of the newest phone additions of LG.
She was like stunned for afew seconds when she picked up the LG secret, and we bloggers started to snap her with our digi cams like nobody's business. she must be thinking:
She showed us some interesting games the phone has, there's this dart game, seems damn fun!
nadnut trying out the LG secret functions.
While everyone was busying shooting the models at the LG viewty corner, we were like, hey issac! shoot for us shoot for us!
And after like 3 failed attempts, we finaaaaally got a good picture!
LG gave us a huge bag loh :x very big, until go where also keep banging into people/kena stuck here kena stuck there by the big fat bag. -.-
Whoops, kena caught camwhoring!
we were like camwhoring while LG was having the dance item. I didnt have any pictures of the dancers cos i was standing too far away to take any good pictures! Esther, Issac, Peggy and me we busy bitching at the back of the crowd!
Then we were whoooped of the the Yahoo! booth, And we were greeted with goodie bags from Yahoo!
Cool new widgets from Yahoo! that you can download into your blackberry!
And Yahoo! brought the Ice Cream Chefs to CommunicAsia! Yuuuuums~
Ice creeeeeam!
And peggy was like damn funny, One min she was making all sorts of stupid comments cos there's no more milo ice cream or sth, Then next moment she was like, ahhhh shit lar! My heel broke! Aldo heel wear two times the heel break?!
Issac was trying to fix her heels!
Luckily winnie was working there and brought her a pair of flats to "save her"!
Boyf brought some really nice goft back from taiwan for me! My birthday present. :D Next post next post!
Sayonara, Loves! (:
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I finally learnt how to edit that vintage-y photo looking effect! just changed a new blogskin & banner for boyfriend.
I'm really emotional today. okay, maybe not the WHOLE of today, i had a greeeeeat day with my boyf. Maybe just like, right NOW.
LOTS of things happened for the past 4 years, and i think i've changed so much, if the fidelis 4 years ago would meet the fidelis of Year 2008, we'll prolly nvr imagined in our wildest dreams we would be the same person?
alright, confusing shit, but.. i'm in a emo mood okay! emo people are suppose to be contradicting/confused yadda yadda what!
Like, i really really changed alot! 4 years ago i was super naive, quiet, shy, never knew how to stand up for myself, super toot/cock, really gong until cannot gong, typical XMM and i laughed alot. Like, a hell lot. My nick is laughing machine you know. Can laugh until like asthma like that. Damn annoying.
And i guess i changed for the bad as well? I'm not a super sweet xmm anymore, I don't listen and do according anymore like i do, I'm a hell lot more judgemental, I sneer at people when they do stupid things.
Think my skin also grew abit thicker, got abit bitchy-er. But i guess at least now i know what i deserved and what i don't, so i actually can stand up for myself more? I think everyone grow up to have more flaws leh.
I was reading boyf's old blog post & drafts after i was done doing his blogskin. Not that i was prying his "privacy" or anything, But he's totally cool with it.
A walk down the memory lane. I read about things that made me grin from eye to eye, things that i've long forgotten the existence of such sweet memories.
And things that hurts me, things that made me cry. Things to remind me of the unfair treatment i've ever had and didn't ever deserved, things that made me feel plainly 委屈. And of course, that's the past and i don't even wanna think about them already.
Imagine when i was 14 & i just started to be with leon who was 18 at that time. (骗小妹妹, which is obviously, 本小姐.) and now i'm 18 and he's 22.
Does he emo like how i am now? thinking too much, that sort of crap? But, i don't really rmb that well also. But he seemed very happy all the time leh, I'm not even that happy all the time. Unhappy bug bites me.
Maybe i've experienced too much unhappy stuff? maybe that is what that changed me like 180degrees over? or is it just growing up? Which is like plain scary lah. How will I be like when i'm 22 man. I don't even wanna think about it, i feel so tmd old already leh. ):
Suddenly. 10more days to my 18th birthday doesn't sound that appealing anymore.
Okay, i'm really getting lame leh. my emo-ness is getting out of control.
Am i thinking too much? Tsk. What's the point. I gotta get rid of the emo bug by pigging out. Goodnight.
HELLO HELLO! ♥ i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right? Anybody encounter problems with it? I can't seem to post my replies. ): Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Jess: Hellooooo, thanks for saying that my hair is nice! Hahahas, The highlight was by stylist from my previous dye job? Which is like thousand years ago?! Anyway i just dyed my hair again today! Hahahahs.
Passerby: i ordered them from spreehouse.livejournal but the BB cream spree close already!
Chris: Love it luh! Hahahahs, it's a good thing to make him jealous :x
Krisando: OMG! you read my blog?! Hahahahas, So paiseh! :x
lyne: Hahahas, i thought you were my sec sch friend when i saw your nick! :x Yah! the colours are really great, anyhow blend also very nice! Hahahahahs.
Joanna: Hahahas, babe read my revlon review below! It's very good loh, must try!
Janelle: Lol, eh duh! Or else they give you the brush for what? Hahahahas, anyway using a kabuki brush would be better, i feel the revlon kabuki brush included is abit stiff.
Bobo: Hahahas, so funny lah! Then did mac ask for compensation or whatever? LOL! or break chair already y'all run?! Hahaahhas.
Don't you girl all loooooove shopping online? Me, *jumping around madly and screaming "DUUUUH!"*
I personally dislike shopping in singapore.
1.The fucking weather, this is hardly news to you right.
i'm the kinda girl who totally cannot stand the sun. Beach bikini photoshoots kills me and i can whine & grumble all day after the shoot ends about the horrible weather yadda yadda, the works.
2. Everything is overpriced in Singapore!
If i can get better deals shopping online, Why would i want to go out in the damn blazing heat and get all melty?
3. I can get nicer/more unique clothes online!
I have this problem of not being able to spot any clothes i really like after i started shopping online since last year. Oh wells, there's always bound to be disadvantages right? Sad thing, Because less shopping session equates to lesser bonding time with my khakis!
4. It's so convinient!
You can have all the comforts of your home, only have to lift your puny fingers and click click click, Ibank transfer, and the postman comes ding dong with your loots!
AI HEARTS ONLINE SHOPPING WORX! okay, a feeble attempt at trying to act xiaolianzx!
Oh wells! The darlings at TheBlackSequin sent me a tube, and a tube dress.
And lovely them threw in a little surprise for me as well! So nice right! Where got blog shop owner so nice one? they gave me a really pretty Gold/Black crystal necklace, and i'm matching it with like almost everything!
They were ever so friendly & also very efficient in sending out the clothes!
I received the parcel like 1 day after i confirmed with them which piece i'd like to have! That's like damn fast loh!!!
Normally blogshops take like afew days to send out Or even some shops are like damn slack, can take up to a week to send out my loots after i've made payments. So, a big plus point for the darlings at TheBlackSequin!
That's it for today, I'm blooooody tired now! Next post will finally be on CommunicAsia 2008!
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (:
Monday, June 23, 2008
Boyfriend asked me to ask everyone to buy this weeks UV周刊!
There's two full pages, featuring him, Leon Lim & Garett Lim. And their doggies! 有可爱的 Magic, GinGin 还有 Lucas 哦! And there is a write up on both brother's car, and favourite toys. (the stupid gundams & car models) Whoops.
I just had the most relaxing, most shiok photoshoot EVER. i'd like to emphasize EVER, EVER, EVEEEEEEER X 1000000!
Had a bikini/nightie shoot at Sentosa Siloso Beach Resort today with Alan, Arrived at 4, the damn taxi ah, walao. Motion sickness, wanna pukeeeeeee already.
Anyway, He did me a greeeeeat favor and helped me took some pictures for a blogshop advertorial! Really nice of him, and we did the nightie shot by the full length window. Damn relax.
Then we went by the pool side, there's this really gorgeous waterfall by the pool, Had to pose really near the waterfall, I took a dip into the pool during the shoot! :x Damn shiok lah, cannot resist. If you see the pool, you'll want to dip your smelly ass as well ok!
Then we did a bubble bath-tub shot. 2nd attempt at making the bubbles work also fail! Kua kua kua~
So we have to make do with a bubble-less bathtub, Oh wells, we still have the rubber duckie! And the water is so warm and shiok, I was so totally gonna fall asleep already, then i had to pose with a glass of white wine and then.. act drunk :x
And after the whole shoot, Alan treated me to dinner. That's why i love modelling. Lazy me. Hehehe, totally relaxing but $$$ still roll in.
Couldn't get any cab at Sentosa, so i took the train back to Vivocity. Then there's this guy, he's pretty goodlooking but damn scary can! I noticed he's been staring at me in the train (he was sitting opposite from my seat)
Then he came up to me: " hey hello, my name is blah blah, (i forgot his name) i'm kinda hesitant to say this but.. i have a BBQ party at my condo 2 week later, would you like to come?"
Me: " Erm, no? I don't even know you? Hahahas, and i'm attached.."
He: " Aww, so what were you doing at sentosa?"
Me: " Urhm, just finished with a photoshoot?"
He: " Oh so you're a model? That's cool, I'm in the media industry.. yadda yadda (full load of crap)"
How come a total stranger like him can walk up to me and start a conversation like that? I thought people say i look very fierce and unfriendly one!? @#$%^&*( !!!
okay, i shall end this post nooooow! I just realized 命中注定我愛你 Episode 15 is just out! Teeheehee, off to watch it!
Update: I slept at 6am and i woke up at 12, and i was bored, flipping thru some japanese magazine. Then i suddenly thought of going to dye my hair! So i went to dye my hair, and did a treatment~ then after dying hair, nothing to do again! So i went to do manicure! BOOOOORING!
HELLO HELLO! ♥ i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right? Anybody encounter problems with it? I can't seem to post my replies. ): Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Shilesse: Hahahahs, my dear! You expect me to shout "everyone i'm taking a picture!" meh! So many people leh! Hahahas, scratch leg :x so cute lah you.
Kerlynn: Hahahas, Happy belated birthday! So how did you celebrate your birthday? had a great time? (:
Siewyin: Hahahas, last time very lazy to wear contacts! :x
Angel: Hahahs, how long i've been with my boyf? 3 years and 9 months!
o.0: Hahahs, i thought you are refering to the previous post.
Min: Thanks for the compliment! (: eh, what do you mean what qualification is needed?
Xoxo: I'll try to send you tonight! Rushing out for shoot :x
Dawn: Np babe! (:
Bobo: Seems like there are people who have problem with them! :x Hahahahas! breaking kids chair?! that made me laugh like crazy! That's so mean can!
I was reading some blogger's blog whom i got to meet at CommunicAsia blogger's event, And i realize some of them are so funny can?! Like, I think he's so funny! I had a damn great time reading all his archives and laughing my ass off!
Reading food blogs never fail to make me hungry even in the middle of the night, Expect boyf is not here to bring me for supper. *pouts.
Went out with Chris & Hendra yesterday for a shoot discussion. Chris treat me to dinner at Spageddies because the queue at Ding Tai Feng was craaaaaaazy. I want my 小笼包包包包包包~
And Hendra treat me for drinks at starbucks after dinner! :x We were suppose to be discussion shoot concepts/ideas. But in the end we crapped and crapped alot loh!
And Hendra was like, "Eh, you're wearing the big eye lenses is it?" Me, pulls eyes big big: "No lah, Clear contacts! @#$% " Pouts, everytime like that one leh!
Ohyah! Be nice at click my nuffnang ad on the left sider will you? :D <------
I received my 1st birthday present from Chris! It was an eyeshadow palette from M.A.C It's weird receiving cosmetics as present from a guy loh! I mean, i've received perfume and stuff from guys, But cosmetics.. Never ever! But it's so sweet! (:
...and somehow it made boyf jealous that somebody gave me my birthday present before him.. and he was like: " Darling, tmr i'll be busy hunting for something special for somebody.."
HAHAAHAHAHAS, and suddenly he became damn nice, "Darling you want japanese fashion mag?" "Darling the cosmetics what shade you want ah?" "Darling you still got any other cosmetics you want from here?"
In a gorgeous kelly green palette.
Equally gorgeous shades that i love! thank you Chris! (:
Ok, i admit. this post is like totally meaningless! I shall end it with very ahem.. camwhorish pictures.
Btw, i really love the Revlon Mineral Foundation leh! Like no kidding man, My skin was breaking out pretty badly for these few weeks (i've no idea why, maybe my period) But after using that for like one week, My skin got better leh!
Even like after i wash off my makeup at the end of the day, My face feels damn smoooooth! Somemore look damn natural loh.
Omg, nowadays my makeup is damn simple and natural. Cos i'm starting to get bored of my blue smoky eyeshadow, So i'm going for natural look now!
BRTC BB cream, Revlon Mineral foundation, Revlon mineral blusher, Revlon Make a Sheen eyeshadow in Espress'O Yourself, Lipbalm & lipgloss, Fake eyelashes. I'm seriously in love with Revlon nowwww~ That's it!
I've got to rush to prepare for my shoot later already! Sentosa siloso beach resort! the pool the pool the pooool! I wanna shoot at the pool! Hope it doesn't rain.
Next post will prolly be my coverage on the Blogger event at CommuniAsia. Show some love and tag 咯! :D